I was thinking today there’s no excuse for ignorance when we all walk around with computers in our pockets. Then I remembered how Google and social media manipulate search results. We must keep seeking truth! In that vein I decided to do a quick survey of Google results for “Why (insert religion here) is the truth” for each of the major religions and calculated positive, negative, and neutral results from the first page of results. What do you think about the results? While I was surprised that Christianity had nearly the same percentage of positive results as Islam and Judaism, it had a noticeably smaller percentage of negative results. One of the most interesting things I found was that Islam’s top results were often information put out by Christian sites, and some of them even included work by Islamophobic extremists like Richard Spencer and Pamela Gellar. Similarly, Judaism’s results contained many put out by Christian sites. However the “negative” results about Christianity were not by Muslims or Jews, they were by what I would call secular organizations.
What are your thoughts on this? Shouldn’t we see Muslim/Jewish opinions on Christianity if we see Christian opinions on Islam/Judaism? What repercussions do you feel these results have on someone seeking unbiased views?